Written by Altyn Turdukulova, Senior Graphic Designer
Have you ever had a hard time sparking your creativity? Creative blocks happen to the best of us, no matter how great of designers we think we are. This week, the design team has decided to share our unique tips and tricks on how we like to get our creative juices flowing. Keep reading to find out how each one of our five awesome designers deals with their creative block, and can hopefully inspire you to do the same!
“Believe it or not, I typically will dive further into the design world and look at more design work when I get stuck. I usually will do a quick image search on platforms such Behance, Dribble and Pinterest for content that aligns with what I am looking for. Then, from looking at those images, I usually will gain inspiration and ideas on bits of techniques/designs that I like and I start to puzzle them together to achieve the end goal of a more polished and cohesive finished product. Besides that, one thing that I do outside of the computer when I get stuck is something outdoors to get me active. Whether it is going on a walk during my lunch break or something more intense like playing pick-up soccer at night, both of these help me and act as a “reset” button creatively.”
“When I am in a rut, I like to leave the space I typically work in. It varies depending on the weather and time of year. I like to either go out on walks, sit in cafes or just go for a drive. At that time, I try to take in the world around me whether that be through nature or different forms of media. During this process is where I gain the most inspiration to get me over the hump of my creative ruts.”
“When I am in a rut creatively I usually find something that takes me out of the space that I’m in. The actual physical space. I’ll go for a walk, play some stuff on the guitar, or do some jumping jacks in the next room if I can’t get away for too long. Anything to take not only my body away, but also my mind. I like to think of it as giving myself time to let my mind get away from itself. Time to figure out how to approach whatever problem I’m having from a different direction. And giving myself that time to move around and reassess is so helpful for me when I’m in a creative rut when I’ve run up against “The Wall” and don’t know how to get around it.”
“It’s not uncommon for me to occasionally find myself in a creative rut, so when this happens, I usually do one of two things; I either stay in my creative space and keep looking for answers, or I take a break from thinking about it. When I continue to look for answers, this usually involves collecting inspiration on the internet. I always find tons of inspiring work or imagery on platforms like Pinterest, or I look at the work of talented artists and designers on Instagram. Doing so allows me to pick up on factors such as techniques, color schemes, or anything else that might inspire me to implement into my own work in my own unique way. On the other hand, I also find stepping away from my space and allowing myself to have a breather can be a very beneficial strategy. I feel as though I end up digging a deeper hole for myself when I continue to overthink, so by walking away and taking my mind off of it for a little while, or switching over to a different project, I can give my mind a break and allow it to reset.”
“Whenever I feel creatively burned out and move in circles with my work, I like to turn to my classic design books. Some of these include “Ten Principles For Good Design” by Dieter Rams, “NASA Graphics Standards Manual” by Richard Danne and Bruce Blackburn, and “Thinking With Type” by Ellen Lupton. Trust me when I say, after reading these books you too will fall in love with graphic design. Each one of them is so unique and beautifully outlined, that inspiration will hit you within the next hour!”
Without creativity, there would be no progress, so finding ways to rewire your brain or simply changing your environment can play huge roles in solving your design equations. We hope these little tips will help inspire you to create your best work yet!